Qualified Legal Representation in All Areas of Wills, Estates and Elder Law
Our lawyers involved in Wills, Estates, and Elder Law provide planning, advice and services in the preparation of wills, establishment of trusts and other related issues. We draw upon PKF Lawyers’ experience in these areas and are acutely aware the accumulation of wealth requires a combination of acumen and commerce. The preservation of wealth, including the transfer to family, inter-generation transfers, charities or others, requires vigilant planning, up-to-date taxation knowledge and understanding of suitable structures.
Our knowledge of taxation law, family law, probate and estate law, the law of wills, appointments of Powers of Attorney, division of property principles, trust laws, creditors’ rights, negotiating, and rules of procedure allows us to deliver prompt efficient and cost effective services and provide qualified representation in this area.
Our areas of practice in this field include: